
Hmath is a set of CSS styles for (not-so) rudimentary web math typesetting. If it matters, it's fully compatible with browsers from at most 2013.

Hmath provides:

If you use Hmath in your site— I'd be glad if you put some credits in the fine print. It's not necessary, but just a link to this page is okay. Also, make sure to tell me about it! —nat

Some Hmath

Inspect these with your web tools to see how...

Law of cosines
Riemann ζzeta function
ζs= n=1 1 ns =1+ 1 2s + 1 3s +...
The golden ratio
a+b a = a b =φ
1 2
3 4567
Collatz' conjecture
n 2 if n0 mod 2,
3n+1 if n1 mod 2.
Random (blehhhh)
−∞ x2 dx

How to use it

  1. Copy math.css into your web folder.
  2. Include it in a page: <link rel='stylesheet' href='math.css' />.
  3. Take a look at the manual when you need to do something.

If you find any issues, contact me about it